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The time my brother and I were mistaken for Hollywood A-listers (kind of).

Aug 19


With the Logies on, tonight (or last night, depending on when you're reading this) is all about the celebrities.

So with this in mind, I thought, 'what better time than to tell a short story about two blokes who'd look absolutely repugnant on the red carpet.'

This short story takes place during a family milestone. A.k.a, some kind of party. 

I was hanging out with my younger brother when an acquaintance of our mother’s came over and said, 'hello.' Let's call her, Maisie Alice Norah, because I can't remember her real name, and because she looked a bit like a... (clears throat/ encourages reader not to read the first letter of those three names and realise what she looked like).

“You’re Maree’s boys,” Maisie Alice Norah observed. 

“Two of the three,” I answered. 

“Now who’s who?” She asked. 

I told her my name was Matt, and then my brother said his name was Ben. 

What came next was just weird.

“Oh, Matt and Ben, like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck," Maisie Alice Norah said. "You two could be those two you know. You do look a bit like them.”

Neither Ben (my brother, not Ben Affleck) nor I, really knew how to respond to that. As the pictures show below, the two of us look absolutely nothing like the two of them.

All I could think to say, typically, was something smart-aleccy:

“Well Ben’s wife is the spitting image of Jennifer Lopez (she looks nothing like her), and I once successfully robbed $160 million from a casino with Brad Pitt and George Clooney.” 

To no surprise Maisie Alice Norah didn’t get the Ocean’s Eleven reference, and I don’t think she knew who J-Lo was either. 

Hello to Ben Affleck and Matt Damon if you're watching.

Caption: See, we look nothing alike. Our heads are way bigger as well. Jokes, I photoshopped them that way.

Ps: smart-aleccy = not a word, but I couldn't think of anything else.


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